Have you ever attended red carpet events where press men and cameras keep flashing everyone and anyone who matters in the industry? The red carpet is filled up with notable personalities, celebrities, achievers, politicians and notable successful people – it is usually an opportunity for them to be interviewed and asked how they have been living their lives. If you are like me you would have observed that there are three categories of people on the red carpets – those that came to catch a glimpse of their favourite celebrities, the celebrities they came to look at and the press men that will further project them to the world.
I have an issue with you if you are part of those who go to catch a glimpse at your favourite celebrity because if you have been busy with your own job you won’t have the time to be an on-looker. The press men are doing their job and that in itself is commendable. The celebrities are also doing their job but which one is your own? You are not getting paid for looking or for ‘famzing’ these people. So it is time for you to stop and get busy on with yourself. Being busy is not going from one place to the other but actively engaging yourself and adding value to lives on a daily basis. The celebrities on the red carpet are adding value to their industry; they moved from looking to becoming someone people want to look out. It’s time for you to GET OUT too and become the person people will want to look at.
We will all not be popular but we can all be celebrated. Platforms may defer though. What is your own red carpet and where is it located? Facing your job and going out of your comfort zone daily will put you on that spot someday. Most of us like status-quo – we like to stay in our comfort zone as long as we don’t lack what to eat and where to sleep but you are more than that. Your life ought to be an inspiration to other people as you GET OUT to live your greatness. The greatness of a man is not in looking at other great men but in steping out to share the same greatness with them. Greatness is in your destiny. You have a red carpet where press men are waiting to celebrate you but you need to GET OUT of your comfort zone and attempt that idea that has gathered ‘dust of neglect’ – push yourself to go beyond the boundary you have always gone and make greatness happen.
My friend, everyone is born the same way but we will all not die the same way or with the same impact. It’s time for you to GET OUT and #StepUpToGreatness.
Gabriel Olatunji-Legend preaches the Greatness message without apology. He tweets from @OLATUNJISPEAKS | Send him a mail: olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
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