Thursday, February 26, 2015

#LegendsDIARY: Is it True That I Really Need Prayers? (Week 2)

#LegendsDIARY is a weekly initiative of this blog where Gabriel Olatunji-Legend shares his personal struggles, failures, experiences and triumphs - it's a no-holds-barred diary - this is the secret the average successful person will not share with you.

I believed! When all wasn’t well instead of doubting my greatness in life I still believed that one day my story will change! That was the only thing that kept me going, believing. How else can you explain why a young man will write his first book at the age of 18 and about 10 years after he hasn't published any book? When you have once been confronted with words like “this is not ordinary, you need to pray”. A word like that comes as a result of consistent failure in a particular thing; in this case it is in failing to publish my own book after several attempts.

Sometimes you sit down to ask yourself if all was truly well, if it is true that you really need prayers (not the regular prayer – the one that probably requires an ‘ori oke’)
but then you remember some other sides of your life that is really working. You remember how you made some 100s of thousand on one job or how your inspirational blog rank rose to 1000 from no rank before or how you started a business that was big enough to employ five staff (full time and part time) even though the business got liquidated at some point or how some people you thought are better than you still approach you for mentorship.

In all of these I learnt a great lesson, “everything cannot be bad in your life at the same time; there is always something to be grateful for” - I guess that's how God structure life. This is what we must all understand, the fact that everything seem to be going wrong today don’t mean that the whole world is against you. Challenges are part of life and although yours may be lingering for too long, if you don’t waver It’ll go away. If you understand the ways of God like I do you will realize that many things might be going wrong in your life but there is always something that is going right. I believe God purposely did that so that you will have atleast one reason to praise Him.
So, count the many blessings of your life like the gift of life, like a job, like a family, like having children, like being loved, like loving someone – these things may seem inconsequential but there are too many people in the world who will love to have these seemingly inconsequential things. Be Grateful!

I remember the day I saw the lifeless body of my father, his flesh was hard and almost like a stone. I thought I wouldn't cry. Did he actually cry? Find out next week on #LegendsDIARY

Find Out on #LegendsDIARY next week (Thursday), 6pm, on this blog. #LegendsDIARY is a true life story – a no-holds-barred diary that reveals the secrets an average successful person will not share about their life.

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