Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How best to see and attract money - Sam Adeyemi #TuesdaySuccessPower

Stack Of Cash

Many years ago, when I was still a young boy, I used to think that prosperity was only for a certain class of people. Those who drive big cars and live in big houses and from the look of things then, we did not quite fit into that category.

We did not have a big car or live in a big house and the reality of that was only too obvious. Back then, all I knew was what I saw. I saw lack and I thought lack.

But as I began to grow inside and out, as I began to read books and listen to rich and successful people, I realised that I had a wrong view of money.

Before you see money with your eyes, you must see it with your mind. Rich people see money with their minds but poor people see lack. What can you see?


It is our destiny to be successful and prosperous. But a lot of people have come to believe a lie. A lot of people now believe that “money is the root of all evil” whereas it
is actually “The love of money that is the root of all evil.” You might be thinking, “What is the difference between the two?” I will explain.

Money is a need. You need money to feed, to cloth, to travel from one place to the other, either with your car or by public transport. You need money for quite a number of things and that is normal. You need money to even be of help to others.

Now, the love of money has to do with greed, selfishness, self centeredness, and so on. People that have these traits will never be satisfied with what they have and they would even desire what belongs to other people. It is a very dangerous thing to love money.
Whoever loves money is a slave to it already. If you love money, you cannot love God.

If you want to make money, you must first look inside you then around you. What do you see inside yourself? Do you see the desire to survive at all cost? Do you see the
desire to make money so that you will have all the materials things in this world? Or do you see the desire to make life better for those around you?
The desire to help those who are in need?

Some people may say, “You first need to make life better for yourself before you can do for others.” This statement is true, but some people get carried away after they must
have gotten to a comfortable status. They think that is where life ends; they think that is all that there is to success or making money. Not knowing that money is actually a
reward for righteousness.

What do you see around you? What you see as a problem in your house, street, place of work or life in general is an avenue to make money. Opportunities to make money may not come in beautiful apparels but you can make them into one. Look for a
solution to that problem and you will be rewarded with a beautiful apparel.

What you see inside you, will determine how you make money and why you make money. If you do not see the right thing inside you, you will end up doing the wrong
thing outside.

Sam Adeyemi is one of Nigeria’s most influential pastors and success coach. He tweets from @sam_adeyemi

Article Source: Success Power Blog

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