I have not been writing for a while now because I have been busy with the planning of ‘Ololufemi’ valentine’s dinner (the dinner for lovers who truly love themselves and intends taking it to the altar); it’s happening on Sunday, Feb 16 at LTV Studios. That’s not why I am writing this piece but to share with you a new discovery I made, it is true that the beautiful ones are not yet born…. But if you wait for the beautiful ones you will die a single person.
I started a training a week ago and in the course of the training I have seen some of the most beautiful women and some of the not-so-beautiful ones too and this made me realize that I have truly not seen them all like I always claim. I digressed as this isn’t actually the point I’m trying to make; even if you got married to Agbani Darego, there will always be another woman that is finer and will make Agbani Darego look like thrash to you – this is why you shouldn’t marry for the looks alone.
Look around you, you will notice many young men and women who are doing ‘fine’ (they are comfortable) but several years ago when they didn’t have anything, the dreams they shared were bigger than what they are currently; they had visions of ruling their world but after having a taste of comfort, after leaving the realm of struggle and survival, they forgot their initial vision and dreams for life – they simply got stuck at that point. This got me thinking during the week and I felt challenged to tell you that no matter how comfortable you are, there is still a higher level of comfort. No matter how beautiful what you earn now is there is a more beautiful income to be earned. No matter how qualified you think you are there is still a higher level of qualification you can get - Don’t live your life as though you have seen the end of it; there’s more you can be that you have not yet become.
Take a deep breath, look back at your life and recount the big dreams you once shared with someone or yourself; if possible write them all down and analyze them one after the other – check to see if you are close to the big dream – if you are not, that is a signal that although your life is beautiful but a more beautiful life is yet to be born. You are the only one that can give birth to this beautiful life you once dreamt of. Friends, it is time to dust your mind and challenge yourself to go after the dreams you have left unattended to – tell yourself that you are more than this and there is so much more you can still achieve – Go for it!
I got you with that title and introduction, right? I didn’t mean the beautiful girls are not yet born, I meant the beautiful life you can have is not here yet – so, give birth to it!
Let me know what you think below in the comment section.
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