2019, 2023 is also an election year in Nigeria, what's the fuss about 2015? What does it take to Rule or Lead a nation WELL, EFFICIENTLY, EFFECTIVELY, PRODUCTIVELY? What it takes to lead a family of four well. What ever you do in your little space today really will not be different from what you will do tomorrow in the Grand Arena. The only difference will be in the amount of resources available to you then.
A nation deserve the kind of leader it gets, because the leader was trained and nurtured by the SYSTEM of the nation. Stop blaming your president for your problem, he really can't help the situation or himself, its about programming, he is just playing out the script that we ALL have written out for him, he is just "fortunate" or "unfortunate" to be the ONE there to ACT out our collective script, even if YOU reading this piece, find your self as our representative LEADER, I can bet you that you will most likely play it out the same way we have written it. Our problem is not knowing what to do but the courage to DO what we know. I like the passion of the NEW party, just watching and observing their dealings in the last couple of weeks am tempted to be a part of them, ha! Ha!! I can't be fooled again, trust me they are not and don't have the capacity to be better than the incumbent and as I said earlier its not their fault, their intention may be right but I know that their execution will be wrong, why?? They are still part of us, I mean the SYSTEM.
So you may ask me who then is qualified to lead us? Personally am not sure of the answer but one thing I know is, if the over 160 million of us choose to change what we VALUE, anyone of us eligible can Lead this nation PRODUCTIVELY, trust me its not rocket science. Some of the values you and I must start to introduce into our Nations System so as to change our OUTPUT in the future are:
1. Value for Human live, ( no country can be productive beyond its value for its citizens welfare and well being)
2. The true concept of wealth ( emphasis should be more on knowledge and not natural resources),
3. Obeying the Rule of Law ( where no one is above the Law, living by agreed policies and constitution; no sacred cows),
4. Value for hard work ( performing given duties with dignity and excellence),
5. Value for Education( this modern world is built on knowledge )
6. Delayed gratification ( we should stop eating our future today)
7. Strategic Thinking ( people who use their Heads will forever be masters to people who use their Hands)
Just to mention a few.
Now let me talk to the youths, am sure you will agree with me that the system that produced our current leaders; 20, 30years ago, though not perfect was better than this current system that's producing you for our leadership in 10, 20 years time. If nothing changes fundamentally now in the way our thinking and values are heading presently, am not a prophet, but I am sure of what 2030 will look like (disaster). You know what?....
Lets begin to train ourselves through personal , character, and competence development.
Lets promote more and more constructive and empowering discuss on different communication mediums, this will help a mind revolution that will lead to true Freedom.
Lets challenge ourselves to higher standards of work ethics and mental productivity.
Lets pursue as much as possible moral excellence.
And finally lets find a strategic (long term)plan to position that young person(s) who will represent these new NIGERIAN Value, we want to see. Can I be honest with you, Forget 2015, maybe 2019 too but I have a feeling that 2023 will begin a NEW ERA in Nigeria.
My thought, i don't know how it will happen or when but I believe the people am referring to now are between ( 21 and 35 years), you guys are far more intelligent, strategic and thoughtful with the added advantage of your Dreams, visions , technology and I.T savvy, you stand a better chance in making this nation what we all crave for.
Think! Think!! Think!!!, there is hope for us in Nigeria as we agree today to take our destiny into our own hands. I will share more in the future. ?#?love4myNATION?.
Pastor Godwin Uwubamen is the president of DYSCOVERYOU INT'L. He is also the senior pastor of His Treasure House Abuja. He has been a voice of change to this generation for over a decade. The author of several books and he's married to Oluwaseun. Follow: @
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