Friday, July 25, 2014

PrincessSays: Going the Extra-mile by @adayaeze

Laying on my bed with my favorite Nora Robert novel and a chilled glass of my secret love (veuve cliqot) I keep getting this nagging voice which has already been etched in my subconscious world, 'have you gone the extra-mile?', 'have you taken that last step that is to set me above my peers?'. So many times we find ourselves in the multitude of averages afraid of moving further, afraid of setting a great pace, most times it is the fear of not knowing where the tunnel leads to. Taking the likes of Dangote, Adenuga and other great men in the business arena. They have set their pace from the crowd, gone the extra mile and are standing tops in their domain. It might not really be the fear of taking any risk but a whole lot of us are happy to remain in our comfort zone; a zone we believe we can easily control and manipulate the way we want. We are so in love with this comfort zone that sometimes we fail to realize when we are being choked up, sometimes we miss out on opportunities because we keep failing to look beyond the box. Before we start these tiny bold steps we have to let go of the mantra, "I will rather be a king in this arena than try something else".

Conquering one's pursuit is wonderful but striving to carve a niche in the eyes of the world is a different ball game. We have to let go of our in-depth fear of failing and hold on to the confidence of succeeding; it might seem like a risk but a risk worth taking; daring to do more; striving for global success. A great man once said outside the box is where talent goes to strive and succeed and I look at it in my own way and asked, why does it have to be outside the box and not inside the box?

Taking the likes of our soccer champions Leo Messi and Ronaldo - they keep pushing outside the box, they are going the extra-mile to top their game.
Definitely, it is never going to be easy but all you have to do is be your own motivation and soar to the top.

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