There has to be more to life than waking up in the morning, eating, going to work, returning home, sleeping and waking up again the following day to follow the same routine; something told me that there was more to life than these. I went in search of knowledge; I knew my life was much more than doing all these mundane things. It is mundane when the only thing you are living for is making money, having sex, drinking, gambling, partying, eating or going to work – it is necessary that you come to a point where you ask yourself that, ‘Is this all there is to life?’
Wealth is good but the accumulation of wealth cannot be all that there is to life because in my recent study I discovered that any fool can make money. Any fool can make money but not every fool can be great. The difference between a rich man and a great man is the ability of the great man to know that there is something much more to his life than just making money. Everyone wants to be wealthy these days, it is a good thing but I am challenging you to step it up a bit, don’t desire wealth, desire greatness. Mandela was and will always remain a great man and he never lacked anything financially – you must understand that wealth is not greatness because making money is cheap. I can tell you two things to do and you will accumulate wealth but greatness isn’t taught, it is discovered or should I say revealed.
Abraham was asked to ‘Get Out’ of his father’s house to a land God would show him and the good book recorded that when Abraham was leaving he took all his wealth (cattles, silver and slaves). That was confusing for me because I thought God asked him to leave that place so that he could be wealthy but I saw that he was already wealthy even before called him to Greatness. That showed to me that the journey from poverty to wealth isn’t the greatness journey – that’s probably what is called the success journey. Greatness isn’t wealth or its acquisition but the pursuit of a goal that is heavenly and earthly inclined.
I will write a sequel to this but let me round off by saying that you have stayed too long on this spot, it is time to step up to greatness. Making money must stop being the driver of your life; greatness must start determining how you make your decisions. Men make money but great men make impact. Men have sex outside marriage but great men get married and have sex with one partner. Men fear Ebola but great men knows there is a God that can cure Ebola. Men go to work and return only daily but great men go to work to fulfil a mandate. Until you understand that there is more to your life than the things you want to acquire then you have not started on the journey to greatness. May I also say that Greatness is not an event, it is a journey – it is a lifestyle.
Gabriel Olatunji-Legend preaches the Greatness message without apology. He tweets from @OLATUNJISPEAKS | Send him a mail: olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
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