Please note that using the term ‘Bad Year’ does not mean your last year was bad but it refers to why your results last year were limited. This piece will show you why you had a bad last year and how you can have it again this year if your choice is to remain on the same level or retrogress. Last week Monday I showed you how Kenny had a bad year because he was ‘shy’ – he lost a million naira because he was shy (You can read that HERE).
Another sure way to have a bad year in 2015 is to ‘Do it Alone’. Yes, do it alone in 2015 and your Bad Year will be so guaranteed; I can bet it with you that it will be so bad you would wish you didn’t see the year. Your dreams and aspirations CANNOT and WILL NOT be achieved by you alone, there are people God has placed around your life who can help you with them and who will, if only you ask for their help (some of these help will not be for free). Some of you ought to be making millions now if not for the fact that you have decided to do it alone. You did alone last year, this is where you are. Why not do it with people this year and see the tremendous result you can command? The yorubas will say, ‘Agba joo owo laa fi san ya’ (find the meaning). Even the bible says that ‘one will chase 1,000 but two will chase 10,000’. What does that imply? With someone’s help or assistance you can achieve ten times more than what only you would have achieved. You kept doing it by yourself last year, you achieved ‘1,000’ and you are celebrating – my friend, sit down and think, you should be crying. If only you were privileged to see the ’10,000’ you could have achieved if you didn’t do it alone.

This year, say NO to partnerships (whether business or personal) that can transform your life, be the lord and saviour of your life, please do not ask for help and assistance, by all means do not have or talk to a mentor, don’t even listen to anybody, don’t bother about having a quality team that works on your dreams with you – just continue the same routine you’ve always been known for, as a matter of fact ignore all I have said and this bad year will catch up with you like a prowler and it will be as though armed men had invaded your life.
I really hope and pray that you don’t heed my advice.

(‘How to have a very BAD Year in 2015’ will run every Monday in January 2015 and will be facilitated by Gabriel Olatunji-Legend; Next Monday’s episode will blow your mind)
Gabriel Olatunji-Legend is a Transformational writer and the Founder of Africa’s No 1 Blog on Inspiration – He tweets from @OlatunjiLEGEND is Africa’s Number One Blog on Inspiration!
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