Gabriel Olatunji 'Legend'[/caption]
It was just like yesterday, I was at this same location dancing and shouting because I was able to see the end of the year and because I was looking forward to 2014. I had high hopes and expectations for the New Year – I wanted a car, an apartment, my wife, to travel, make millions and all the other goals you had that same year...
So here I am again, it is the end of 2014 and I see people dancing around me, excited for the year that just ended and full of expectations for the New Year (2015).
What are you guys so happy about? I wanted to ask them!
I felt like telling them that I was at this same spot last year when I was jubilating and singing; the man of God even prayed over my goals for the year and here I am again with nothing to show for it. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" That was what interrupted my thought. I looked around to see if the lady seated next to me was the one who spoke but I soon realised that it was an invisible force – a voice in my heart who had lived the year with me and knew that I had just lied to myself.
“How can you say you have nothing to show for the year?” the voice continued. Let me refresh your memory in case you have forgotten.
"Once upon a time you were heavily indebted, amounts huge enough to send you to jail but God showed up for you and here you are still standing. You entered the year without a kobo and not sure how you were going to execute your projects for the year but February 2014 you spent hundreds of thousands, if not a million to organise the second edition of ‘Ololufemi’ (A Lover’s Dinner). It was a great success and even though it didn’t reflect in your finances, it gave you leverage, honour, respect and made you a voice."
"The first time you tried to publish a book was ten years ago. For so long you had not been able to publish the book but this year you became a published author of three books - 'Woman, This is How to Choose Your Own King’, ‘The Record Breaker’, and ‘Finding Mrs Legend’; you broke a ten years jinx this year."
"You were practically begging me last year’s watch night service for a wife, remember you even fasted and prayed for days because of this and I gave you a woman more than 1000 women put together." HMMM! I sighed deeply. "Do you want me to continue?" The voice inquired. That was when I lost my cool, I started dancing like a mad man, I shouted, sang, jumped and praised God while I was recounting all the great things that have happened to me in 2014 and I realised that I ought to be the one on the altar giving a testimony.
It occurred to me that I was very ungrateful. It’s true that I don’t have some of the things I wanted to have but I also got many things I didn’t plan for. Only a great fool will not be grateful, a sage said. You have REASONS to be grateful to God even if you think you don’t. Let me give you just one reason, despite all you have been through in 2014 YOU ARE STILL STANDING!
Gabriel Olatunji-Legend is a Transformational Writer and the Founder of Africa's No 1 Blog on Inspiration, OLATUNJISPEAKS,com. He personally tweets from @OlatunjiLEGEND
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