Monday, June 2, 2014

#MondayInspiration: How a pen and paper can save your relationship,even your life!

Let me tell you what happens in the counseling room, especially when it pertains to therapy. The therapist is seen with a pen and a book while the patient is doing most of the talking; the therapist takes note from the things the patient is saying and at the end of the day the therapist analyses the patient’s situation and prescribes a solution to the patient’s problem using the same pen and book. Most of the problems of our lives can be solved with pen and paper!

I believe that with pen and paper, you can solve your financial problems. How? Write down what you have; what you need to have; calculate how much you need to make weekly or daily for it to happen; list things you can do to generate that type of cash weekly or daily; list names of people that can support you financially, employ you or patronize you; list all possible scenarios where the money can come from. When you are done with that and you look at that paper you will discover that the problem has either been solved or half solved.

I solved the problem of who to marry with pen and paper a long time ago. I had it penned down on paper, in details what my wife would look like; it wasn’t about her looks but her habits, character, skills, faith, beliefs and self esteem – by the time I was done with it I realized most of the women around me which I was confused about weren’t going to be my wife and whenever I was getting close to a lady, I looked at that paper I wrote many years ago and if I cannot match her with the content of that paper, I knew we weren’t going to work.

The problem most of us have is that we are too lazy to write – the solution is too simple; which is why we fail to do it. This is why the problem persists. We want a complicated solution, something so far to reach and exhilarating. Big problems sometimes have simple solutions and until you have tried the simplest solution of all (pen and paper), stop saying you have a problem. Some problems are huge, and using pen and paper doesn’t mean the problem will go away but it means you can get to the root of the problem and offer solutions to them on paper; which can then be implemented in stages.

Statistics have proven that most businesses that fail within the first five years do not have a written business plan. They failed because they didn’t take time to solve their problems on paper first. They got carried away with the beautiful idea and started with enthusiasm but enthusiasm can wane off and plans on paper will always remain. This is the same with failed relationships. You cannot run a relationship successfully without a relationship plan – if you fail to plan, you have planned to fail. In every kingdom there are qualities they look for in people who can attain the Kingship position and no matter how handsome you are, if you lack those basic qualities, you can never be made king. Your life is your own kingdom. You must have your own values and qualities which you cannot negotiate in the life of your ‘executive officers’ especially ‘Executive officer Wife/Husband’. These values and qualities must be written on paper long before you meet these type of people as it makes them recognizable when you see them.

Dr. David Oyedepo said that ‘God gave you brain so you can let Him rest’. We must use our brains; explore all possibilities on paper before assuming that we have a problem. A problem is not yet a problem until it cannot be solved on paper.

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