If we never planted maize we would never have had maize to cook several weeks after. This is a principle in life; the seed you don’t plant you will never get the harvest. Many of us want something while we are doing nothing to warrant the things we want – that is what I call ‘Life fraud’. To expect to get money when you have not worked for it or investeded for it is fraud. It is not only ‘Yahoo Yahoo’ boys that are involved in fraud but anyone who expects to get something for nothing. You can have whatever it is that you desire but not on a platter of gold; you must earn it. Whatever you get without earning you get by being dubious. Some Christians will come and preach Favour and Grace to me now but while I believe in the spiritual concept of Favour and Grace I am aware that these two works for you when God has seen your heart and you made a move. If you don’t plant maize don’t expect to reap or cook it.
It is important to know that some of us will plant maize while some will plant pears; the harvest times for the two of them are not the same. You may harvest your maize in a few weeks but you will only see results in your pear several months after. There is something called times and seasons. You must observe this law, while the earth remain, seedtime and harvest time will never cease. Sometimes in life, we get quick results from our investments in life and at other times, we get late results from some other investments, we must realize that the harvest season for every investment we make in life are not the same.

Let us bring it home. In life, seeds that you can plant are in different form. Putting money in the stock market, fixed deposit, and buying real estate are forms of seed. You are likely to reap the harvest in a few months or years. Some years ago, I was broke and in need of financial help but I got none; I was quick to realize that 'nothing goes for nothing'. I walked up to the CEO of a print agency and asked to come work for him for free while he teaches me the art of printing and publishing; he agreed. Its several years after, I don't have to beg for financial assistance anymore because my time with his company was a seed I planted, and the money I get now from people offering me printing jobs is the harvest.
Most of us are fraudsters; here's the proof. Don't ever forget that it is a high level of fraud you are committing if all you do is wait for things to happen to you without you working, earning or deserving them.
Follow Gabriel Olatunji on Twitter, @OLATUNJISPEAKS or send him a mail, olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
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