Records are there to be broken and everyone must live to break records, I am of the opinion that if you fail to break records you have lived below your potential because truly great men are those who constantly break records. By this I don't mean go on a competition spree looking for whose records to break - that is cheap and easy to do; the biggest record you can break is your own record. You must break your own record, that is the starting point towards personal greatness.
The day you come to the realisation that you should constantly be in a battle with yourself is the day you discover the secrets of great men. The seed of greatness is inside every man but not every man gets to plant that seed; I wish we will all reach out inside of ourselves and bring out the greatness God has put on our inside. No one is born to be less than great, it is our choice to remain small.
One of the reasons why we have remained small is because we try to compete with people, our friends, neighbours and even competitors but truly great men have discovered that small minds compete with each other but a great man competes with himself. It is saddening to see that even blood brothers compete against themselves, sisters fight just to get ahead of each other, friends turn to enemies all in the chase of success - I believe that the more the merrier, the sky is wide enough for everyone of us to fly if we so choose. We are not all running the same race because we aren't going to the same place; run your own race, take it one step at a time even if it seems others are doing better than you - it is only a matter of time, if you keep setting and breaking your own record you will attain greatness in no time.
If all of these don't make sense to you yet let me help you drive the point home - you were able to save #10 000 last month, it is time for you to break that record and save #15 000 this month. You were able to read one chapter throughout this month you must strive to read three next month. Maybe you have never been able to write anything more than 600 words in your life, you can break your own record by writing 3000 words and probably publish a book. You have always desired to make your own Youtube videos but you have been procrastinating, it's time to borrow someone's iPad or a camera to make the recording. There is a place that you were yesterday, you were a certain person, and you did certain things but if you must break your own record you must leave where you are, become a new person, and change what you do - do it better!
Follow Gabriel Olatunji-Legend on Twitter @OLATUNJISPEAKS or send him a mail, olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
Nice one Bro. Simply a straight forward admonition