Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Power of Belief (My Story) #MondayInspiration

| Gabriel Olatunji

(This article was first published on Facebook on Monday, May 20th, 2013)

I was once told that I won’t amount to much in life when I was growing up, I was once told that I can’t have the most beautiful ladies because I don’t look good enough in their view, I was once told that I would have to beg my friends for money because they seem to be moving faster than me according to their definition of success, I was once told that I cannot speak or write and make people read or listen…

The above and so much more negative word was I told.

Looking back now, I am definitely not close to where God wants me to be but I have amounted to something important in life; I receive invitations to speak at churches, seminars and conferences; I am an object of pride to my family and friends; a friend even made me a godfather to his three year old son; honestly, I cannot imagine some pretty ladies who have professed love to me and would do anything for me; with all humility I am often times at the giving end instead of begging; I have written about three unpublished books; I have recorded short inspirational speeches that has been downloaded by hundreds of young people and I run a successful entertainment and empowerment company called Thought Promotions.

If all of that sounded like bragging to you please accept my sincere apology; you have missed the point if that’s what you think I just did. The first thing I told you was what they (people, situations, environments) said I couldn’t and wouldn’t do, then I told you what I have done. What changed? How come I did all the things they said I couldn’t do? How come I feel fulfilled and successful? I believed!!!

They say ‘what you believe is what you become’ and that made me conclude that what you have become is as a result of what you believed before. Your mind is the factory where your tomorrow is created; what you believe there will show up in real life soon enough.

If you believe enough you will achieve enough. I told myself as a young man that I will not serve my mates, I won’t be poor, I will be a blessing to my world; even when all of the negative voices overshadowed my thoughts - I held my head up high, told myself what I believed, behaved it and today I am better for it.

Write out seven negative things that you have once been told and write out the opposite of each one, then stuck it on your wall or wherever you will see them regularly; if you believe them enough you will become then soon enough.

See you next week!

Help share this if you believe!

My name is Gabriel Olatunji Legend and you can follow me on twitter:  @OLATUNJISPEAKS. I am an Entrepreneur and I Speak.

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