Monday, May 27, 2013

When I was a Child! #MondayInspiration

| Gabriel  Olatunji

When you were a child all you needed was provided but now that you are an adult you should learn to become more responsible.
When I was a child my father would ask me if I was hungry, I would be fed and would also get to tell them I needed more and would still have it. When I was a child I would go to school without worrying about school fees. When I was a child I would eat, get clothed and sleep as I liked because providing that wasn’t my responsibility. The truth is simple, when I was a child I was so irresponsible, yet I was still a very good kid to my parent and to others in the community. Why? Because responsibility is the word used to remind an adult that he’s no longer a child.

Some of the ways to know whether a person is still functioning as a child are as follows:

  • Dependence

Looking up to others to do for you what you should do for yourself; it is normal for a child to be that way but abnormal for anyone who claims to be an adult.

  • Ignorance

A child would have gotten his hand burnt in fire before knowing that it’s dangerous. Ignorance is the first fruit of irresponsibility. Show me an ignorant man and I will show you a child in an adult body.

  • Irresponsible

A child doesn’t understand the word ‘responsibility’; that is why a child would prefer ice cream to shares in Dangote Companies. When you see a man who is eating his tomorrow today, then you have seen a child in an adult body.

There are lots of qualities to determine a child in an adult body but the purpose of this write-up is to remind you that you were once a child. When you were a child, you spoke like a child, thought like a child, acted like a child and made decisions like a child but now that you are an adult you should learn to put away childish things.

I am Gabriel Olatunji-Legend and you can follow me on twitter:  @OLATUNJISPEAKS. I am an Entrepreneur and I Speak.

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