Thursday, February 13, 2014

EPIPHANY: No past is worth the surprises the future has to offer!

It has become a well-known fact that one cannot determine what events happen to them, but everyone has a choice on how to react in each circumstance. However, most people do not realize how important our reactions to “life” affect our dispositions and the course we eventually take in the future.

Everything seems pretty fantastic when things go in our favor, those times when even the gods are not to be remembered so to say, in reverse when things get topsy-turvy, then we look at life in such a bleak way which ultimately destabilizes us. In scenarios whereby a job is lost, a loved one gone, an opportunity missed, learning that one is terminally ill and fated to die in a given period. These not so welcome developments do not have to define what our future should be, it doesn’t have to clip our wings and narrow our choices so much that the experiences in our past largely defines our future.

Whoever concluded that the past is a determining factor as to what the future holds, or what proof is there that the past has a monumental role to play in the future that is yet shrouded in mystery? Do not hold on to the past such that your present and future becomes a shadow of what once was. No past is worth the surprises the future has to offer. I do not believe in once in a lifetime opportunity as is generally acclaimed, every single day is an opportunity to live, do and aspire to greater things. The mere fact that we are still living means there is something that needs to be done. The only thing that determines the future is the present. What we do today, the dreams we dream today, the achievements we set out to accomplish holds tomorrow, a now spent reminiscing about the past is a future already fated for mediocrity.

Living in the past is like holding on to a part puzzle and thinking it makes all the sense. I remember watching a very interesting movie and a character made the following statement which I want us to deeply reflect on “I spent the whole of my life waiting for the defining moment, what I did not realize was that every moment is the defining moment.

Written by: Olaide Banjoko.

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