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I was not fortunate to hear the news of the global icon’s death the night it was announced; I had slept off early as I was a little under the weather. I woke up to see Blackberry display pictures, tweets, broadcasts, Facebook messages and eulogizing the world leader. In the words of Uncle Dele Momodu, Nelson Mandela remained the world’s greatest iconic figure for decades. Can you dispute that?
How can one man die and the whole world shook? Who in God’s name is the man and what makes him so great? Madiba, as fondly called was the leader of the African National Congress (ANC) – ANC started as an anti-apartheid organization. They fought for the rights of South Africans under the Apartheid regime, mostly using force. Mandela who was a foremost leader of the party was arrested after years of disguising and fighting the regime. They constantly organized protests and strike action before he was arrested and these actions continued even while he was in prison. It is notable that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison because he chose to dedicate his life to the freedom of his people. He was offered release from prison if only he will let go of his beliefs and go back into the society as a regular citizen but he said he could not be totally free if ANC was not free. Do not forget that what he was fighting for was the emancipation of black people in South Africa, the freedom of black people to own properties and businesses, the freedom of black people to contest and win elections and equality of black and white folks.
I have not written this piece to give you the biography of Mandela but to ask you a critical question that has been on my mind since I heard this news. Who will be the world’s next Mandela?
How many of us have the capacity to forgive like Mandela did?
If you were Mandela what would happen to the leaders of the Apartheid regime and all white folks in the country when you become President? Most likely, they will all be assassinated. Mandela had the capacity to forgive a sin that was committed against him in freedom and in prison for over 50 years. These days when your girlfriend angrily tells you that you are stupid, you do not wait for the next moment before you break-up with her even when she has apologized. You lack the spirit of forgiveness and you may never become a ‘Mandela’ (Great man).
Mandela was released from prison; he forgave every single one who had offended him and his party. He changed from fighting with force to using dialogue and negotiation. He became the president of South Africa and he only served one term of 5 years. He didn’t seek a second term or a third term. If you were Mandela, won’t you remain as the President of South Africa till death do you part? And do you think he would not have lost his value and also the opportunity to become the world’s greatest iconic figure of our time. Mandela doesn’t need a visa to enter any country; he has a name that opens doors even without his signature. Such people don’t beg for things, people beg them to take things.
Nelson Mandela had the opportunity of being free from prison atleast 5 times but he chose to remain behind the bars because he could not stand being free while his fellow compatriots and black people are still oppressed, victimized and stigmatized by the minority (white folks) and the ruling class. He wanted equality for ALL and he wouldn’t leave the prison cell until these demands are met. So, I ask again, if you were Mandela will you spend 27 years for a people you do not know their names or house address? You won’t! That is why you may never be our next ‘Mandela’. Until you are ready to die for a cause you are not ready for greatness. What ‘cause’ are you presently working on that will not only benefit you and your immediate family? If you are not presently working on such a ‘cause’ you are far from being our next Mandela.
I want you to critically look at the greatness of Madiba and highlight what makes him so great. He had his own character flaws especially in his relationships with women and marriages but that didn’t stop him from being a great leader.
As we go on a search for a new Mandela may I poach to you that you can be the next Mandela, yes you. You can be the next Mandela to your spouse, your family, your community, your friend, your boyfriend or girlfriend and your country. Be the person who thinks of other people first before considering one’s self, be the person who can sacrifice their lifetime to making their spouse happy, be the person who will not fix the front of his house alone but neighboring houses and perhaps the whole street, be the man or woman who will forgive a sin of injustice that probably ought not to be forgiven – if you will most likely send your wife packing for infidelity after a genuine apology, you aren’t going to be our next ‘Mandela’.
Will you be the world’s next 'Mandela'?
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