My favorite time of the year, the allure, the joy on everybody's face, that sparkle of happiness, the period of giving and sharing. To so many that’s how they see Christmas but to some others, they see a period of reckless spending and abandonment, a period to show off what they think they have and what they don't have, to the boys a period to get the best automobile they can't afford and dole out all the cash on girls who don't even care, while to the girls a period to get the expensive 'nothings' ( hair, clothes, shoes) and compete with one another, ensuring they don't spend a day at home without places to trip in and off. Well after all this is 'our' idea of a fun Christmas, our over exaggerated cheer, the delight of having a reason to club all night, the glory of our blings and sparkle, these are all Fun but the irony is that we spend so much energy trying to pull this off but in the ending ' do we achieve anything spectacular? No.
Come to think of it, even those who barely eat half a square meal join in this extravagant splendor. Yea, it is cool to have Fun but at least measure your pocket rate, enough of the excess liquors, excess everything and plan for a meaningful Christmas.
First it doesn't have to be all about spending rather invest on something great, even if you have to spend then spend wisely. Secondly, do something that will create insights on different issues or something you ought to have done but kept pushing out. Read a book or visit your families, this is the time to show them you care and if you must give out gifts, get something with a whole lots of meaning(cards, frames) it doesn't have to be so very expensive before it gets appreciated. If you must go out then you could try the Christmas carols that is coming forth.
Merry Christmas........
Written by Princess Obi - Follow on Twitter, @adayaeze
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