I am aware that if most people don’t read anything on this blog they read MondayInspiration by Gabriel Olatunji ‘Legend’. I know many people read it for different reasons, some to pick out my mistakes, some to write an 18 page letter suggesting how to write on that topic – just like a former President wrote (And I have begged una to write for the blog but una refuse), some to criticize ‘unconstructively’ and some others to sincerely be inspired regardless of the shortcomings of the article. I have not written today’s MondayInspiration so as to ‘wash’ you guys, I just wanted to do something flexible today. Must we be writing '20 secrets of success’ everyday? If that’s what we keep doing when are we going to have time to enjoy the success?
In the spirit of Christmas I am writing you this letter from my heart to tell you how much you mean to me and how you have changed my life. In 2013, I have seen raw success and I have had my share of many failures but there is one thing you guys have taught me and that is ‘constitency’. Am a man that gets tired of things easily even when I still love such things but every time I get tired of writing MondayInspiration there’s always someone, somewhere who is asking why I haven’t posted it yet. It gives me great pleasure that you guys read this piece. Who am I that I should write and you should read? But you guys have looked beyond the little me and have digested every single piece with passion to the extent that someone usually says to me at every event I have attended in the last few weeks, ‘I read all your write-ups, they are great – keep it up’. That gives me goose pimples and makes me shy.
I had my first relationship in 2010 and as much as I love the woman in question it didn’t last for more than a year – I had waited so long to enter into a relationship because I had told myself that the first woman I date will be my wife – I failed in this regard and I have hastily dated another babe which didn’t lead anywhere also. I have started many things and stopped but this is something I can’t stop even if I want to. I love to inspire people too much that I can’t even help it at times. I found something that I want to continually do and it is bringing to my life all the things I lost or wanted.
What’s my point? Don’t enter 2014 without finding that thing you will want to do for the rest of your life!
See you next week! Don't forget to read iUncensored by me on Wednesday.
We are thinking of having a ‘Love Feast’ in the Spirit of Christmas. There will be food, drinks, exchange of gifts with total strangers, insights, games, music, dance and lots of inspiration – if you will love to be part of it kindly buzz me and let’s see how it pans out. Like I always say, Terms and Conditions apply! Plus only for a few people. You can write me on olatunjispeaks@gmail.com | call 07066556843 | PING: 238F261F | DM: @OLATUNJISPEAKS
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