#GYG means to 'Give Your Greatness' but we need to ask ourselves, 'how did those who gave their greatness do it?' When you see a man doing great things it is not because he is smart, it is because there is a greater man helping him. To give your greatness to your world you need a superior knowledge, a superior experience and a superior personality. For Joshua to excel he needed a Moses; for Elisha to perform double miracles he needed an Elijah. You need a mentor. Mentorship has been overstated but it's the truth – your greatness is buried inside you; there's someone who can help you resurrect it. #GYG
God made us in such a way that we should be accountable to someone per time, that's why we came through a family. Your first mentors ought to be your parents but the problem is that, for some of us, our parents are not right mentors. If your parents cannot offer you the right mentorship, it is imperative that u get someone who has walked the path you want to walk. Mentorship is a needed prerequisite for you if you want to unleash your greatness. #GYG
Mentors are ladders you climb in order for you to see farther. You have operated on this level long enough; you need a mentor who will help you move your butt to the next level. What do you use a menthol sweet for? To clear your throat! Without a mentor your life stays unclear. It is arrogance to live life as if you know it all and need no help; people like that fall in places they don't expect. It is arrogance to go into an exam hall without listening to the lecturer - you are most likely going to fail. You can save yourself a lifetime of problems by having men and women who know much more than you do around you. #GYG
What do you want to accomplish in life? Ask yourself, 'who has done this thing or something related before?' walk up to the person. Those who identify and associate with mentors early in life move faster than those who don't. There is greatness inside you and you need a mentor to help you give it to your world. If the level you are at is okay by you, go right ahead and do your thing but if you want a higher level, get a higher experience. #GYG
Lastly, even if you want to reach the heaven there’s someone who has been there before – identify that person and get direction. #GYG
I am Gabriel Olatunji-Legend; Transformational Writer! | Twitter/Instagram: @OlatunjiLEGEND | BB PIN: 2BAC2A15
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