I heard about the passing of the amazing OAP, Chaz B and it was sad news even though I'm not much of a radio listener. The name Chaz B has impacted many that don't even listen to radio; it's not uncommon to hear people cite him during conversations. I believe the passing of Chaz B is a great loss to the 'voices of inspiration' in this country - we need more men like this. But come to think of it, there are a lot of people doing 'inspiration' but how many will be missed like Chaz B when gone? #GYG
I'm a sold out inspiration messenger but I'll not shy from telling myself d truth. Inspiration is not just talk – it is a lifestyle. Inspiration is not the ability to say a few motivational rhymes like Bishop Oyedepo; if you are not him it will never sound right. Many people have jumped on the bandwagon living the life they are not called to live in spaces they are not meant to occupy. The truest condolence I have read on Chaz B is from Kehinde Ajose, he said "He (Chaz B ) found his space and he impacted his world. That last statement changed everything about me today. It made me realise that you can have a great message on a wrong platform. That Chaz B statement made me realise that you can be doing the right thing in a very wrong space. #GYG
Operating in your space will make you famous for your message but outside of your space you will only continue to work. Chaz B found his space and he impacted his world – Kehinde Ajose. Where is your own space? Think! Bill Gate's space was IT and more recently Charity - you will never know true greatness and fulfilment outside your own space. Imagine a Lionel Messi as a serial entrepreneur? He 'may' make money like Dangote but he will never reach his height of greatness. Until you locate your space you will never be able to give the world your greatness. #GYG
Don't jump on TV when your space is radio; it's possible you do both but is your space both? Stop doing unnecessary things; engaging in many activities is not the same as impacting your world. Find your space! Jumping up and down from one place to another may do good to your ego but are you sure you are operating from your space? Paul was a good preacher but his 'space' was letter writing - he wrote many parts of the New Testament. Paul is impacting more people today even in death because he located his own space. Every space is not your space. Paul is the greatest Apostle (I stand to be corrected) because he found his space (letter-writing). Find your own! #GYG
Your space may not be as bogus as 'motivational speaker', 'OAP', 'Pastor' etc; remember that Paul is remembered more for his letters. Your space is that unique platform that you create or find yourself in; it is where your purpose thrives more. Chaz B although a man with an amazing voice may speak at events occasionally but he knew his space - radio. Chaz B found his space on Inspiration FM and Nigerians never remained the same for it. #GYG
Where is your own space? From what space are you currently operating from? Is that where your purpose will thrive more? So many people who ought to be caring for children at Motherless babies’ home are busy running seminars – go to your space. Locate your own space! Don't jump on TV and Radio just yet; is that where your purpose will thrive more? Your greatness is in that place where your purpose will thrive. Until you locate that place giving your greatness won't yield. Some people's space is in the kitchen but they are someone trying to be famous – you will never find true greatness that way. #GYG
David's space was Psalms. Solomon's space was Proverbs - there is something peculiar to you, probably your own unique creation. Create or locate your own space and impact your world from there. Every man has his own space; you have not found greatness because you are operating in someone else's space. It will be insane for me to try to operate from the space of a 'nation builder' more than Fela Durotoye; that is FD's space. I will never find true greatness trying to operate from the space of 'Life Coach's Coach' more than Lanre Olusola – that's his space. #GYG
Chaz B's message was inspiration but he didn't try to do it the Steve Harris's way - he found his own space. Oprah Winfrey is inspiring millions via her Talkshow – she didn't go the radio route because TV was her space. To not find and operate within your space is to harm your chances at greatness; your chances are sure in your own space. Tyler Perry is changing mindsets and inspiring millions but he's not doing it the Chaz B way – he found his own space. #GYG
Do you really want to thrive greatly? The answer is in locating your own space and 'spaciously' occupying the place. Your greatness is in your space. Chaz B gave the world his greatness from his own space. I challenge you to find or create your own space and give us your greatness. #GYG
Keep giving your greatness. #GYG
I am Gabriel Olatunji-Legend; Transformational Writer! | Twitter/Instagram: @OlatunjiLEGEND | BB PIN: 2BAC2A15
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