Saturday, November 29, 2014

#GYG Day 7: Performing Miracles Daily like one Moses Did in AncientIsrael! By Gabriel Olatunji-Legend

Welcome to #GYG (Give Your Greatness) Day 7. If you missed the last 6 days, you can read up HERE. #GYG is a 10 days tweet series compiled daily and published on this blog.

#GYG means to Give Your Greatness – every man has a measure of greatness inside him but giving it is an individual responsibility. There is a fascinating story in the bible I love. Moses was resting in the bush and God asked him to go to Egypt; to go and save the Israelites who were staying in Egypt. He thought God made a mistake and he asked God for a sign. Typical of most of us, we don't believe we are great except we achieve some dramatic feats. God asked Moses what he had in his hand. Moses replied "a rod" but when he threw it down, it turned to a snake – even Moses ran. Moses ran because he didn't know he had been carrying a snake all-around thinking it was a rod but there's a great lesson there. #GYG
Like Moses God did not create any man without his own 'rod'. There is a 'rod' that you can turn to whatever you like. Like Moses God did not create you without your own 'rod'; you have a rod that can help you perform daily miracles. Moses was surprised his rod turned to snake and that's why he ran, until God told him to pick it up. If only Moses knew all these while that in his hand was such a miracle he would have gone to save the Israelites earlier. There is greatness in your hand; if only you can see how BIG what you have can become if you throw it down like Moses. Moses was carrying a miracle around but he thought it was only a rod - you are carrying your own greatness already without knowing. It is significant to note that every time Moses confronted a problem God usually asked him "What is in your hand?" Every time you face that problem that seem to be weighing you down God is asking you the same question 'what's in your hand?' #GYG
Don't be afraid of challenges and problems but be afraid if you have nothing in your hands like Moses did. Moses had a rod which he turned to snake by throwing down. You have a voice you can turn to money or favour. Moses had a rod and it made water gush out from a rock. You have cooking skills, make money with it or keep your man with it. Moses had a rod and he won battles with it; you have in your own hand the winning formula to life's battle. If only you knew. The solution to your money problem is in throwing down your own 'rod' like Moses did his BUT what's your own 'rod'? #GYG
Until you identify your 'rod' you will never be able to command a Moses-like miracle in your own life. It is God's intention that every human profits from what's in their hands; like a rod in Moses hand there is something in your hand. Jesus needed to feed 5000 people and all he used was the 5 loafs and 2 fishes at hand. What's in your hand? God will not save you with what you don't already have. All that you need for greatness in life are already in your hand. #GYG
Your own 'rod' could be speaking, cooking, making hair, sports, etc but there's something in your hand that'll give you your greatness. A great speaker I know, Steve Harris said ‘it's not what you don't have that limits you but what you have and don't know how to use’ #GYG
How did Moses turn a rod (what was in his hand) into a snake? He threw it down! Throw your own 'rod' down too. The reason you are begging people all around is because you don't know the potential of what you carry in your hand. There is a skill or gift that has been lying fallow inside you - it is time to throw it down like Moses did his rod. You will never know true greatness until you lay down your own 'rod' too like Moses did in front of Egypt's King. People have seen your 'rod' (gifts and skills) with you for so long but they have never seen you use it like God intended. When government people asked Jesus for tax, he sent Peter to go and get money with Peter's 'rod' (fishing). You have your own rod. #GYG
To give your greatness is to throw down your 'rod' – it is to use your gifts – it is to maximise your potentials and abilities. God wants you to give the world your greatness and he wants you to start now with the people around, with the gifts you have. Some people’s miracle ‘rod’ is the relationships God has placed around them but they don't know how to use it. Take note: there is a reason why you are so gifted and skilled in those areas. There's a reason you are so passionate about that particular cause or subject matter – throw it down (in it lies your greatness). #GYG
So are you asking yourself this question 'what do I do to be great in life?' The answer is 'what do you have in your hand?' What is in your hand? What special abilities do you have? What skill do you have that can save the world? That's your own 'rod'. if you don't use your rod like Moses used his you will never smell greatness - it's hard but it's the truth. #GYG

I am Gabriel Olatunji-Legend; Transformational Writer! | Twitter/Instagram: @OlatunjiLEGEND | BB PIN: 2BAC2A15

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