” The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
This morning, a friend of mine made a joke of a certain fictitious man who wanted so bad to be the citizen of an affluent country. The man says, “they wouldn’t give me citizenship, so I bought the country”. Hilarious and quite unrealistic it may seem. But if there was a man with such character, there is a good point to take from him. We cannot give other people, or circumstances or fate the chance to decide our fortune. What if we do not like the outcome? Do you think you can always decide what your outcome will be? You will never know until you tried to put your power in the appropriate place.
Instead of give chance or fate the power to decide outcome for you, why don’t you reserve the power in the soul where it can fire up your inner ability to create something out of nothing? Ridiculous?! Men have been able to transmit voices through air at distances wide across the globe. Men have been able to appear in millions of places at one time through a device called television. Men have been able to lift objects heavier than air and flown in them. It was ridiculous to conceive such ideas before the inventions of these things. Is there any reason now to doubt or ridicule what more the creative ability of the mind can accomplish? Here are the true words of a great man, “whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, the mind of a man will certainly achieve”, Napoleon Hill. Your creative ability has more potentials than you may ever know.
The power to will and become is what several men have thrown away carelessly in the hands of Providence. My friend, Providence is never any man’s ally. You will suffer greatly if you trust your life to Providence because the man with the weak-will, Providence browbeats and brings to extermination. Take that power and put it in its rightful place, in YOU. Let that power invigorate your creative ability to help you create the future you desire. Can you imagine what happens to a ship that has no rudder to steer it against the winds or tides? Its destination will be useless because it does not even have the power to steer it there. When the tides carries it hither and thither, it ends nowhere. Now imagine that life’s influence on you is like the influence of the tides or winds on the ship. So be the man that has found his rudder and not lost it to the sea. When indeed a man is the captain of his soul, he steers his destiny in the direction he wills it. He shall get somewhere.
Still on the illustration of the ship without a rudder, the captain of a ship needs a map to get to where he desires it to. The map points his present location to his destination. If he doesnt have the map, then the power of the rudder, (i.e. creative ability of the mind) is useless anyways. A man that does not have a vision of his destination is no better than he whose creative ability lies dormant. How will you ever get to a future that you do not see? In fact, you would not know the first step to take. So set yourself straight. Create a vision, have a plan and develop a burning desire for this future of yours. You are well on your way to creating your future.
Do you have problems? Give power to your creative ability and it shall bring to you solutions that is lightyears away from our time. Do you not see a path anymore? Trust this ability to carve out a way out of thin air. Do you think it is impossible? Believe in this power to stretch across the entire universe to unlock the mysteries that takes the ‘im’ out of impossibilties.
Inside you lies the power to will and become, to create and solve , to give life and to bring death. You are a god-form if you know how to harness the limitless potential of a positive mind. Know this, men who have this power rely on will, but men who don’t, wait on fate to decide their destiny.
Source: EagleVantage
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