Today, my intention was to beef the ladies but then I thought again and realized that majority of those who read my #MondayInspiration column every Monday are ladies. How can I then beef my own community of lovers. That is out of the question, at least for now.
Another thing I felt like writing about today is the astronomical growth www.OLATUNJISPEAKS.com site has experienced. We have grown in page views, alexa ranking, patronage, writers, and more but I don’t think today is a day to talk about that too. However, I will be giving out free adverts to those who read our blog and have something to advertise. This is what you can call #OSGiveBacks (I will be sending a Blackberry broadcast about that later in the day) - we are not just running this blog for fun, money or influence. I see it as a family of people who wants to achieve greatness in their chosen field and I am one of the few that God has chosen to offer them the practical solutions to achieve this greatness. I want to emphasis again that you are my family and I am yours – let us continue to treat this blog as our own – I am grateful for everything (I will explain further some other time). I am starting a new column every Wednesday which I have not been able to title appropriately but for now am considering #UNLEASHwithGabrielOlatunji. #UNLEASH started last Wednesday and it will continue day after tomorrow. I will be unleashing great secrets of great men and industries based on proven research and statistics; I have no doubt in my mind that this new #UNLEASH column will inspire you to greatness. If you have a better name kindly buzz me to let me know.
I am so overwhelmed by so many things happening lately that I would prefer not to write today but I know I will disappoint many people, which is why I am writing this and addressing something simple but extremely important.
I came across this quote many years ago and I have not recovered from its impact;
“How great are thy work; your thoughts are very deep”
This quote suggests that the greatness of a work is determined by the deepness of the thought that produces it. This means that Great works are products of Great thought. If you have great thoughts you will produce great works; if you have lowly thoughts you will produce lowly works. What you produce per time in life is determined by the quality of your thinking.
Thinking is a MUST
A preacher said, ‘if you don’t think, you will stink’. It looks like rhetoric but it is more than that. Check out the life of the man that ‘stinks’ (not literally) to you, usually the quality of their thought is very low. Everyone wants to associate with great minds and great minds are minds that think.
Benefits of Thinking Deep
You Become Attractive
Who are the kinds of people that you attract? The quality of your thought determines the quality of your relationships. If you want to attract ‘great’ (I don’t mean popular) men you must increase the quality of your thinking. You cannot be thinking like a kindergarten and expect to be treated like a working-class person. No man wants to date a zombie, except he is only interested in the sex she has to offer.
You Command Great Result
You cannot create a billion dollar idea by guessing, you do that by deep thinking. You cannot solve a national problem by conjuring figures together without deep thinking; you have got to think deep for solutions. Remember that GREAT works are PRODUCTS of GREAT thoughts.
You Explore Your Potentials
I heard this, ‘God gave you a brain so that you can let him rest’. What a profound statement. Most of us don’t use half of a quarter of our brain before we die. We fail to think. We accept problems and challenges as norms; we go through life without challenging the status-quo. We cannot fulfill our God-given potentials that way; we must explore our capacity to think. Those who don’t think will always be servant to those who do.
The man who sits down in an air-condition office with a pen and a paper is getting better pay than the one who stands by the gate in the hot sun or even the bricklayer who exerts more energy. Why is that so? The man who sits in an office uses his brain; the one in the sun uses his physical body (strength) – if you want to get paid more, use your brain and not your body.
- Take a problem you really want to solve in your life.
- Inscribe it boldly on a paper and paste it on your wall or somewhere you can see it often.
- Wake up every day and sit in front of the problem for at least 20 minutes.
- Make use of a pen and a paper to jot down all the possible solutions to the problem.
If you do this consistently for 3 days, I can assure you that you will find a lasting solution to the problem.
The problem with many of us is that we want a solution that is difficult but most often than not a simple solution like ‘deep thinking’ via sitting in front of your problems daily is the best solution.
Kindly let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of OLATUNJISPEAKS.com.
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