"Dreams don’t make themselves happen, if they do, even beggars will be driving Rolls Royce.
There are certain principles to adhere to if you want your dreams to come to pass."
Martin Luther King Jr, one of America’s foremost civil rights leader had a dream that one day his two children (who are black) will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. He had the dream at the time when racism was deep in the soul of the American society. This dream became a dream for every black man in America – the dream was spoken to millions of people and was written in every book, from private to public. Newspapers shared the dream and hope was birthed in people’s hearts. Every year this dream was celebrated even when Martin Luther was already dead and gone.
The President of the United States, Barrack Obama is a sign or should I say a part of the fulfillment of that dream. He became the first black man to become the president of the United States of America but this was a dream Martin Luther King Jnr had many years ago.
This is why I have decided to write a sequence to last week's #iUncensored titled, A little dream; A little vision; So shall your empire grow like that of Dangote and Oprah Winfrey. But I want us to take it from a different angle today.
How do you dream?
Stop wishing, start dreaming! Sit your ass down and determine what you want to do with your life. This type of question is what provokes the thought of great dreams. You cannot be asking, ‘what will I eat today’ and expect that the thought of purposeful living will come to you. Sit down, get a pen, a book (Dream Book), think and meditate; if you can pray (very crucial) and at the end of the day come up with two sentence that summarizes your existence. This sentence will tell what you should dedicate your life into. Until you can summarize your existence, you may never taste greatness in life.
Don’t live and die like everyone else, there is greatness in you.
What should you dream about?
No dreamer is too small, no dream is too big; anyone can achieve greatness if only they dare to have a good dream. Do not dream of what you will eat, dream of people you will feed – that is the beginning of greatness. It is time to re-evaluate the dreams of your heart. How many of them are centered on yourself? The day you help the Israelites cross the red sea, you will become their Moses and the day you provide free education for the South-West in Nigeria, you will become their Awolowo. The only way to dream is not to dream for yourself but for other people, it is in doing this that your own dreams will be achieved in life.
How to make your dream work?
Dreams don’t make themselves happen, if they do, even beggars will be driving Rolls Royce. There are certain principles to adhere to if you want your dreams to come to pass. I will be sharing this principles in the following weeks but let me leave you with this point.
If your dream must come to pass, you must WORK it. A dream is only a wish until you dissect it into responsibilities for each day. If you have a dream like that of Martin Luther King Jr. then you must be ready to tweet against oppression everyday, organize rallies every day, preach against injustice every day, sponsor bills at the national assembly that helps you achieve your dream and more importantly let your own life reflect your dream.
If you can break your dream down into a daily routine, then you have found your job and in it lies your greatness.
Gabriel Olatunji Legend is the CEO of OLATUNJISPEAKS PUBLISHING. He tweets from @OLATUNJISPEAKS
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