I have never done this before but I will do it in 2014. Yes, I will! I don’t know about you but I cannot afford to end 2014 the same way I started it; that will be a waste of 365 days; I simply cannot afford that – it is too expensive.
So I was asking myself what it is I can do this year that I have never done before; something I have often thought as impossible. It occurred to me that personally, writing one inspirational article per day is a feat I will celebrate, should I complete it? – that means I am able to inspire at least one person every day this year. I will do it! But I need you to help me every day by coming to this blog, www.olatunjispeaks.com and when you have not seen my own article for the day, buzz me on Twitter, BBM, Facebook, sms or even call me – that way, I will get off my butt and be at your service. Please help me!
Some of the men I respect the most publish at least one book in a year, I discovered that many of them write every day and these are men who have millions of followers, they run businesses and have a family to cater for. Thinking about this, I had to ask myself why in the world should I not be able to write one article daily when I am not married, am running a business that affords me time, I don’t have millions of followers yet (Fact, not Truth – I actually have billions of followers but you just can’t see them yet *straightface). Back to my point, many of us want to be a Sam Adeyemi, Fela Durotoye, David Oyedepo, Richard Branson but we are too lazy and too docile. If you cannot invest your time in doing something you have never done before, you cannot be something you have never been before.
Do not try to be something, try to do something – it is in doing the something that you become the something you really want to be. So, let’s do it this way; what do you want to be? Let’s take being a speaker or an author as an example. Another question, what does an established speaker and authors do daily? Most of them Think, Write and Speak every day! And you want to be like them. Don’t you feel you should also think, write and speak every day? Yes, you should! It is when you have consistently done this that you will have no choice but to become like them.
What profession are you into? In 2014, strive to do what the top dogs in your industry are doing; strive to do something you have never done before. I read a book by Malcom Gladwell (The Outliers) once and he explained based on research that whatever you are able to do for 10 000 hours, you can become an expert at – that means if you do something long enough you can become the number one in that field.
I challenge you to challenge yourself this year, do something you have never done before and like I always encourage people to do – WRITE it out! Don’t just decide it in your heart – WRITE it! Everyone who reads OLATUNJISPEAKS.com must have a DREAM Book where you write things like this. 2014 will be the best year you have ever lived as you strive to do something you have never done before.
Written by Gabriel Olatunji 'Legend', Follow on Twitter: @OLATUNJISPEAKS | Email: olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
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