Gabriel Olatunji 'Legend'

Don’t be an ingrate! Someone said you may not have everything you want but God is the reason why you have not lost everything you have. I know that society expectations and pressure forces us to forget the things that are working in our lives and we tend to give in to grumbling, believing that things are not working as they should. That is not the best route to take – you need to be grateful for what you have. Instead of grumbling and complaining; here's an alternative. I was surfing the internet yesterday when I saw the picture of a man in Thailand whose whole body was covered with tumor, the tumor was like thick boils and it covered every part of his body, to the extent of blocking his nose and eyes; as a result, he can no longer see properly. What was his story? He had a single tumor some six months ago and the doctors advised him to remove it, he agreed and removed it. Six months after, the tumor began coming back in different sizes and shapes till they covered his whole body – the picture was so bad that I almost puked on my laptop. When I think about this man, I realize that his dream is not to own a car, a house, a wife, a business or even become successful; he would simply love to get well and be good. Many of us are hale and hearty; we have no boil, no fever, no headache and we complain everyday about our present condition – it is because you are healthy that’s why you remember that your living condition is not befitting. Try to take a stroll into Yaba (left side) or General Hospital and you will discover that as much as there are still many things you desire in life that you don’t have yet, there are still many things to be thankful and grateful for. It is time for you to look beyond your present challenges. I understand how you feel and I also desire that all your needs are met. I know that you are getting old and you need a wife or a husband, I know that your friends are buying cars and you are still living with a friend, I know that you want o start that business but things are looking hard, I know that the babe you desire most in the world is giving you a very hard time, I know that you want success and some also want greatness – I know because we all want these things but don’t let what you don’t have stop you from being grateful for all that you have. Take a moment to say thank you to your creator today, for all that you have; take a moment to look around your life and take note of people with worse situations than you are in. Take another moment to observe the things that are working in your life and if you can, type a deep grateful message and post to your Facebook account, Twitter account, LinkedIN account; post in the Facebook comment segment below, BBM status or broadcast it – tell somebody else the need to be grateful. As you do these, I believe light will shine in your heart and strategic ideas to move from your present level to a higher one will begin to come to your mind.
See you tomorrow!
I am Gabriel Olatunji ‘Legend’ and I am committed to inspiring you to greatness. Follow on Twitter: @OLATUNJISPEAKS | Email:
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