Many times we confuse the differences between people with physical attributes but this is wrong. I am not different from you because you are yellow and I am black, because you are tall and I am short, neither is it because you have the shape of a model and I look like an amoeba. We are not even different because you have a job and I don’t; because you have ambitions and am contented with where I am; because you can sing and I can speak; all of these are attributes we possess but that is not what makes us different – what makes us different is in ‘who we are’.
There is a difference between what a person has and who a person is. What you have are your attributes but who you are is the real person. In 2014 you must look beyond what a person has to who a person is. Both of us are different! Why? It is not because I am male and you are female; it is because of who I am and who you are and who you are is determined by your relationships, what you hear, what enters your heart, what you read, what you watch, what you see, people you hang out with. The same thing goes for me.
I have all the attributes you like in me because of who I am. It is because of who I am that I am able to possess such attributes and you also do all that you do because of who you are. If you say Gabriel is a confident man – that is an attribute and it is as a result of who I am (my relationships, what I read, what I allow to enter my heart, what I hear and so on) – these things are what makes me who I am and makes you who you are.
If you feel there is a need to change who you are, the process is simple and not as complicated as you might have thought it to be. You must change your mindsets and beliefs. How? You have to change your relationships, change what enters your heart, change what you listen to, change what you read, change what you watch and change the people you spend most of your time with; some people even need to change their jobs – these things are what makes you and that’s how to change who you are.
I hope you have bought your own Dream Book, where you are writing your plans and every suggestion I give in my daily write-ups. You need to write out what you will change this year; whether it’s what you read, watch or listen to; write out what you will watch, read and listen to in their place – as you do this you are already changing who you are and by December 2014 your life would have been so great that other people would love to be like you.
See you tomorrow! Follow @OLATUNJISPEAKS on Twitter | olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
This is so inspiring