Several years ago, I was lying down on the couch of my mentor, thinking about my life, complaining and grumbling about my present condition. I had a bad experience that day and sadness had enveloped me like ant envelopes sugar. I asked myself if this was how I would continue to live my life, if this was how I was going to end up in life, if I will ever amount to anything great in life, if I would ever be able to influence people positively and wondering if I will ever be able to author a book like my mentor. This incident happened over 7 years ago, and as I kept grumbling to myself in the dark I heard a voice say to me, ‘you will become a publisher, and you will publish truths that sets free’ – this sentence invariably means “You have read other people; it is time for people to read you”.
Light came to my face, I was excited, sadness was gone and joy had enveloped my heart. Although still on the couch but I was dancing and jumping in my heart; I had found purpose, I had found a calling and I had found an assurance that my life was not just a waste of time. It took me a while before I fully understood the import of that statement but this morning as I thought about what to write today and I decided to surf the internet, read broadcasts of people, read tweets, read blogs, articles, bible, listen to a message, read facebook posts (I have done all of these this morning) – a very gentle nudge came to me with the title of this piece, “You have read other people; it is time for people to read you”.
This is my message to you this morning, you have watched other people dance; it is time for people to watch you dance. You have heard other people all your life; it is time for people to hear what you have to say. You have screamed and cheered for celebrities; it is time for you to make people scream and cheer for you. You have been at the receiving end in life; it is time for you to move on to the giving end. It is time for you to step up your game and change the tide. You can no longer afford to be a spectator – it is time for spectators to pay to watch you do your thing.
However, you cannot give what you don’t have. It is impossible for people to part with their hard earned money to watch you when you have nothing to offer. If you don’t stage a tournament, don’t expect an audience. If you don’t dance well don’t expect applause. If you don’t impact destinies don’t expect a standing ovation. If you do not catch fire don’t expect people to gather to watch you burn. If you do not give something to your world, the world will take what you have in exchange for what they give to you.
You must develop yourself and make up your mind that in 2014 you will not only watch people do things, people will watch you do great things.
See you tomorrow!
I am Gabriel Olatunji ‘Legend’ and I am committed to 'inspiring you to greatness'. Follow on Twitter: @OLATUNJISPEAKS | Email: olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
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