Two of my friends needed to further their studies in a university abroad. Before now I have heard the two of them say to me that they can’t wait to get out of this country; they aren’t ‘bad citizens’ but they passionately believe that schooling and better opportunities abound abroad. Who am I to dispel their beliefs and dreams? In 2013, they got an opportunity that presented the achievement of their dream at a relatively fair price. They needed to pay some hundreds of thousands as deposit but the money wasn’t forthcoming – they had a deadline to meet – if this opportunity passes them by they might have to wait longer to realize their dream of travelling out of this country.
Day by day, I watched them make calls to everyone they could, trying to raise the money before the deadline with the intention of paying back when they turn their investments into cash. The fact that I could do so little made me feel bad but my point today is the tenacity of these two friends; I saw them give up at a point because men and friends whom they had faith in disappointed but it wasn’t for long, they were back believing and striving to raise the needed money – in one or two days they finally both raised the money to meet the deadline which initiated the process.
These two friends taught me in 2013 that no matter how big your dream is you can achieve it if you DESIRE it ENOUGH. Strong desire is different from wishful thinking – it is passionately believing that it is possible and highlighting things to do every day that will lead to the achievement of the dream.
This is how I think you should live your 2014:
Have a strong desire to finish this year better than you started it. How?
- Have a dream book and write out one (not two or three but ONE) thing you must achieve in January, write out one thing you must achieve in February, write out ONE thing you MUST achieve in March and write out one thing you must achieve every other month of the year.
Kindly take note of the word - MUST! It is not something that you do if you can but something that you do because you MUST.
By the end of 2014, you would have achieved at least 12 notable things which many would have loved to achieve in their lives. For example, my own major goal in January is to publish one of my books titled, ‘The Teenage Millionaire – The Financial Independence Story of a Teenager’ (you can pre-order your copies) and also to pay #100 000 to a certain client my company is owing. As for me this goal is nonnegotiable. I MUST achieve it and I have written out between five to ten ways to achieve this goal; you must do the same (if you need help in coming up with ways to achieve it, talk to someone who can help and my doors are open for advice).
In February, I want to successfully host ‘Ololufemi’ (My Lover) – A valentine’s lovers’ dinner event that will attract between twenty and fifty young unmarried couples who are serious about their relationships and intends taking it to the altar. My goal with this event is to create an atmosphere of love, intimacy, romance and inspiration for them. Married folks who have been married for over 30 years will be there so that young couples can ask questions; couples who have been married for only a few years will be present to answer questions also. This event is particularly for Christian couples whom I believe their relationships are mostly boring which is why they end up breaking up incessantly. We want to give them an opportunity to dance together, feed themselves, confess love to themselves publicly and do those things they may not do normally – this event is about purpose and good deeds for me; I already have a team to help me achieve it (we still need sponsors and partnerships).
I won’t tell you what I want to achieve in March and the rest of the months but I have told you these ones so that you can hold me accountable to achieve them and also to make you see the point am driving at. You can end this year ten times better than you started it.
- Write out ONE thing you must achieve in January and every other month of the year.
- Write out ways and what you have to do to achieve each one.
- Create a strategy to accomplish each one and remember it is a MUST you achieve at least this one thing in that month. Let’s see if you won’t end the year great.
- Do something ever day that will help you achieve your goal.
NOTE: January 5th (tomorrow) is my birthday and I will be sharing lessons I have learnt in life starting from, January 1st to January 5th, 2014 (tomorrow). READ Yesterday’s piece HERE
Follow on Gabriel on Twitter, @OLATUNJISPEAKS |olatunjispeaks@gmail.com
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